
DIY Farmhouse Style Amazing Grace Sign

Hey guys! Sorry for going MIA last week. So much has been going on and I just have not had the time to write.

We are having issues not only with our septic, but also our roof and one of our vehicles. Luckily that’s not a vehicle that is used very often, but it is one that we use for heavy lifting and hauling large items. So it is on it’s way to getting checked out.

We’ve called several people to come give us estimates on the roof and only one has come out to talk to us so far. He wasn’t even one that we called! He just happened to be in the area on another job and noticed the big tarp on our roof and stopped to ask about it. His price was very steep, but we might not have a choice. We’ve been calling people for almost a year now. Hard to believe nobody wants to work any more.

So please keep us in your prayers because we are trying to fix up our house so we can move. I’m starting to feel like this will never happen.

I’ve been working on adding some Farmhouse style dishcloths to my Etsy store. They turned out so cute! I just love using them myself. I even use them as washcloths!

Here’s my latest DIY for you! A farmhouse style amazing grace sign! Everything I used came from Dollar Tree and only cost me $3 to make!!

I bought a 4×6 picture frame and took out the mat and the pictures.

I got this really cute wall sticker that says “Amazing Grace.” I loved the font! Dollar Tree has a bunch of these stickers and they are always getting new ones in.

I also bought a poster board. I put the mat from the picture frame on the poster board and traced around it. Then I cut it out.

I put the sticker on the poster board, kind of just eyeing out where I wanted it to go to look somewhat even. The sticker was very easy to peel off, but wanted to stick around the curly parts.

I put it all back into the frame.

And put it on my wall!

I also made the cross under the picture. I’ll show you that next week!

30 thoughts on “DIY Farmhouse Style Amazing Grace Sign”

  1. What a great idea! Also, I’m sorry for the issues you’re experiencing with your roof. I hope you find a solution soon! I just wanted to comment and let you know I thought you might be interested in participating in The Great Ladybug Challenge, so I included you in my challenge post. If you’re not able or interested in participating, that’s okay too! 😊 I hope you have a wonderful day!

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